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Boston, MA 02215

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P.O. Box 15655

Boston, MA 02115


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Letters to the Editor and Op-Eds:

The Daily Free Press accepts letters and op-eds as a way of encouraging thoughtful conversation. A letter to the editor should be in direct response to an article published by the FreeP. To write a letter to the editor, send fewer than 500 words to Please include your name and phone number so that you can be contacted. An op-ed can be written about a more general topic, however we ask that you limit your submissions to no more than one 500-800 word piece per 30 days. Op-Eds may also be sent to

Note: The editorial board reserves the right to use discretion in not publishing letters or op-eds that contain obscenity, profanity and/or personal attack.

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Photos for purchase:

If you’d like a high resolution photo you have seen on our website, it will cost $10 payable via PayPal. Photos to be used online are free, as long as images are credited to the The Daily Free Press. Photos being used for educational purposes are free. For more information, email


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